
If a version of the QPilot client is already installed, you must uninstall it first! The uninstallation must be started via right mouse click 'as administrator' or logged in as administrator. Otherwise there might be leftovers or the printers will not be removed correctly. The PC should be restarted after the uninstallation process has completed.

Some of the following information is based on user reports, since there is not always time to test every detail under every operating system (or Linux distribution). Therefore, this information is without guarantee.

Visible results of a successful installation are two newly set up printers (QPilot printer color + bw) and a gray "Q" in the right taskbar. The information "Pages", "Copies", "Price", "Color" are unfortunately not reliable due to driver problems, please ignore them.

For installation on multiple PCs (pools etc.)

The following command line options are available for this: /verysilent : Dialogs are suppressed (except for the Windows logo test warning). /tasks="" : No printers are installed. /norestart : A sometimes occurring system restart is suppressed.